This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies required to prepare,organize and evaluate a marketing and sales plan for agricultural products , based on strategic objectives and conduct a marketing survey to identify the needs of customers.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies related to organize and conduct laboratory agriculture research activities, agricultural field research activities. And also collect data related to laboratory and field research and report to the relevant authorities.
This course aims to enable the students to create awareness and understanding of the concepts of learning culture and develop competencies required to create and maintain a learning culture at the workplace.
This course aims to enable the students to explain basic business concept, develop competencies related to verify, estimate and finalize the agriculture business plan and decide on farming enterprises, establish administrative,legal and financial systems in agribusiness.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies related to plan, organize implement and evaluate livestock production practices.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies related to plan, organize, implement and evaluating of secondary processing and value addition activities of crops and livestock based products.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies related to plan, organize and evaluate and management of agriculture machinery.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies related to plan, organize,implement and evaluate protected agricultural crop production. And also develop competencies related to apply and advise on principles of farming system for maintaining economically viable and sustainable farm.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies related to plan, organize, implement and evaluate horticultural crops establishment, production and processing activities.
This course aims to enable the students to develop competencies on diagnosis and apply management practices on pest and diseases incidents in agricultural crops.